
健康教育 学生健康 & 咨询服务



学生健康 & 咨询服务提供各种教育演讲和研讨会,以支持学生的成功和健康. We offer both live (in-person or virtual) and recorded presentations. Requests are reviewed with availability of presenters. For questions or inquires about a presentation or workshop, please email Ari尤兹利.

生活 & 记录报告



大黄蜂健康(60分钟):萨克拉门托州立大学不仅仅是一个教学机构. Hornet Wellness creates a campus ecosystem that supports health & 作为大学的首要任务. 我们的校园指定资源,以帮助积极影响学生的心理健康, 卫生保健, 和健康. This presentation offers an opportunity to learn more about:

  • 学业成功的障碍
  • 健康 and well-being resources to support the college experience
  • Wellness services at 油井, including 学生健康 & 咨询服务
  • Additional campus resources related to wellness and mental health
  • Tools to support taking care of your own mental health 和健康

*Requests are reviewed with the availability of presenters

校园阿片类药物安全法(SB 367)

校园阿片类药物安全法(SB 367) 旨在通过挽救生命的教育,减少公立学院和大学与阿片类药物有关的过量使用和死亡, 信息, and access to federally approved opioid overdose reversal medication on campus. 为了遵守这些要求,萨克拉门托州立大学正在提供现场小组纳洛酮培训, 以及异步选项. Trainings are open to all students, employees, and campus community members.


  • What opioids are and how the opioid epidemic is impacting our community
  • 如何发现阿片类药物过量的迹象
  • 如何使用纳洛酮/纳洛酮

Attendees will receive a free box of Naloxone/Narcan. 虚拟与会者必须向健康办公室工作人员(the WELL Room 1031)出示他们的电子邮件确认,以领取免费的纳洛酮/纳洛酮盒.



Requests are reviewed with the availability of presenters.



学习烹饪很有趣! 在烹饪演示中,学生们学习为忙碌的人们准备美味、简单的食谱. Participants will increase their confidence on how to follow a recipe, 安全切碎食物, 在饮食中加入水果和蔬菜, and how to access resources for eating on a tight budget. Classes are interactive and led by Peer 健康 Educators. 限20人参加. Workshops will take place at 的 Cove Kitchen (1st floor, 油井). (60分钟)

不喜欢需要大量清理的复杂饭菜? 你并不孤单! 学会用一道菜做一顿完整的饭, better understand nourishing foods in each of the food groups, 练习均衡膳食. 获得洞察力和资源,在哪里找到美味的食谱更多的菜! 包括一个迷你烹饪示范. 限25人参加. Workshop will take place at 的 Cove Kitchen (1st floor, 油井).

你时间紧迫吗, 厨房电器使用受限, 或者只是太累了不想做饭? 试着(安全地)用微波炉做饭. 探索如何做出美味的食物, 用微波炉煮的令人满意的饭菜, as well as other tips on cooking with limited space and money. 还要了解过期并不总是意味着你需要扔掉你的食物. 包括一个迷你烹饪示范. 限25人参加. Workshop will take place at 的 Cove Kitchen (1st floor, 油井).

想要增加食物的味道? 在这个工作坊中,学习如何使用香料,香草和其他配料来调味你的食物. 还要探索哪种类型的脂肪最有营养,以及如何将它们加入你的烹饪中. 包括一个迷你烹饪示范. 限25人参加. Workshop will take place at 的 Cove Kitchen (1st floor, 油井).

你是否觉得在忙碌的时候很难吃到营养丰富的食物? It’s not always possible to avoid eating out, and that’s okay. 在这个研讨会上, learn how to make nutritious choices when eating from a restaurant, 以及如何提前准备适合在路上吃的食物. 包括一个迷你烹饪示范. 限25人参加. Workshop will take place at 的 Cove Kitchen (1st floor, 油井).

It can be hard to focus on your schoolwork when you’re hungry. 在这个研讨会上, 学习如何选择和准备快餐来帮助你保持精神振奋和精力充沛. Also practice identifying serving sizes and measuring ingredients. 包括一个迷你烹饪示范. 限25人参加. Workshop will take place at 的 Cove Kitchen (1st floor, 油井).

一整天都需要保持饱腹感和精力充沛? Meat and other protein foods can help make this happen. 在这个研讨会上, 学会准备美味, 均衡的肉类膳食(和肉类替代品)以及烹饪肉类的技术. 包括一个迷你烹饪示范. 限25人参加. Workshop will take place at 的 Cove Kitchen (1st floor, 油井).

想尝试一些新的蔬菜为主的菜肴? 在这个研讨会上, learn how to prepare tasty, balanced vegetarian meals. 还要练习识别蛋白质的植物来源,学习储存农产品的技巧. 包括一个迷你烹饪示范. 限25人参加. Workshop will take place at 的 Cove Kitchen (1st floor, 油井).

大学生的日程通常都很忙. 提前计划好正餐和零食可以帮助你确保吃到有营养的食物来保持精力充沛和注意力集中. 本课程将介绍如何制定膳食计划和购物清单,并提供解读包装食品标签的指导. 工作坊包括一个迷你的烹饪示范,讨论如何为一个人做饭. 限25人参加. Workshop will take place at 的 Cove Kitchen (1st floor, 油井).

参与者将与同一个CalFresh健康生活团队进行三次研讨会. 的 workshops are 健康膳食计划和准备, 简单的肉类菜肴(和肉类替代品), 和午餐在路上. Participants receive a giveaway when they attend all three workshops. 限25人参加. Workshop will take place at 的 Cove Kitchen (1st floor, 油井).

在乎 & 基本需求

支持处于危机中的学生(60分钟):本演讲侧重于影响萨克拉门托州立大学学生的基本需求问题, 以及通过关怀办公室和校园社区提供的资源,学生可以利用这些资源来帮助他们确保学业上的努力. This presentation offers an opportunity to learn more about:

  • Understanding the major areas of basic needs that impact studentes on campus
  • 了解压力和苦恼之间的区别,以及它们如何影响学生的成功
  • 通过关怀办公室确定可用的资源,以帮助学生解决与基本需求有关的问题

*Requests are reviewed with the availability of presenters



谈话拯救生命 -由美国预防自杀基金会萨克拉门托分会主持(60分钟).

“谈话拯救生命”是一个教育项目,让参与者清楚地了解这一主要的死亡原因, including the most up-to-date research on 自杀 prevention, and what they can do in their communities to save lives. 参与者将了解与自杀相关的常见风险因素和警告信号, 以及如何保护自己和他人的安全. 涵盖的主题包括:

  • Scope of Problem: 的 latest data on 自杀 in the U.S. 在世界范围内
  • 研究: Information from research on what causes people to consider 自杀, 还有健康, 历史, and environmental factors that put individuals at risk
  • Prevention: An understanding of the protective factors that lower 自杀 risk, and strategies for managing mental health and being proactive about self-care
  • What ou Can Do: Guidance on warning signs and behaviors to look for, and how to get help for someone in a suicidal crisis

*Requests are reviewed with the availability of presenters


交谈拯救生命:拉丁语 & 拉美裔社区 -由美国预防自杀基金会萨克拉门托分会主持(60分钟).

《澳门博彩公司》(英文和西班牙文)是一份社区教育简报,内容涉及心理健康, 自杀, and its impact in the Latinx and Hispanic communities in the 美国. 这个项目的目标是在拉丁裔和西班牙裔社区建立关于心理健康的对话,并鼓励寻求帮助,以防止自杀和自杀企图. 参加者将获得以下方面的有益教育:

  • Mental health and 自杀 prevention through activity-based learning
  • 拉丁裔和西班牙裔社区特有的保护因素、风险因素和警告标志
  • 种族和体制因素导致拉丁裔和西班牙裔社区寻求帮助的障碍和自杀风险
  • 参与者如何照顾他们的社区,并与家人和朋友谈论自杀和心理健康
  • 采取措施寻求西班牙语和英语的特定文化心理健康资源,并在未来需要时带回家的材料

*Requests are reviewed with the availability of presenters




耻辱斗士101(28分钟): 了解大学生的心理健康问题,包括焦虑、抑郁和压力. Also reviews how to help a friend and campus resources.

By the end of the presentation, students will be able to:

  1. Recognize the signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions
  2. 讨论心理健康污名
  3. List at least two common stressors that impact mental health
  4. 确定校园里可用的资源来帮助朋友或自己处理心理健康问题

限制压力,减少忧虑(27分钟): 学习一些简单的技巧来管理大学生面临的压力,包括平衡家庭责任, 以健康的态度对待学业和朋友. Participants will also determine their own personal "Stress Style."

By the end of the presentation, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the difference between eustress and chronic/negative stress
  2. Recognize the effect of negative stress on overall health and well-being
  3. List at least 3 self-care and stress management techniques
  4. Identify resources available on campus pertaining to stress management

心事(共22分钟): “心之事”由两部分组成,重点介绍健康关系的组成部分.

By the end Part 1 of this presentation, students will be able to:

  1. Identify at least three characteristics of a healthy relationship
  2. Describe the importance of communication within relationships
  3. Identify at least two relationship support resources available on and off campus

By the end Part 2 of this presentation, students will be able to:

  1. 列出肯定同意的四个组成部分
  2. 解释一下性侵犯的定义
  3. 能够说出至少三种亲密伴侣暴力/虐待形式
  4. 列出两个用于保密宣传的资源

Netflix和Chill(22分钟,外加6分钟可选的安全套演示视频): “Netflix and Chill” is a presentation focused on consent, 安全性行为, 避孕药, 性传播感染.

By the end of the presentation, students will be able to:

  1. 列出至少两种更安全的性行为
  2. 识别至少三种常见性传播感染的体征和症状
  3. Describe at least two different barrier methods for 安全性行为
  4. 确定至少一个校园性和生殖健康服务资源


家居生活(35分钟): 一个预先录制的演讲,关于在我们的日常生活中追求可持续发展的原因和方法.

By the end of this presentation, students will be able to:

  1. 描述可持续发展这个词的含义.
  2. List at least three key environmental issues affecting our planet.
  3. List at least three ways they can live a more sustainable lifestyle.



Positive well-being is an important predictor of learning and student success. 研究 indicates a strong connection between student wellbeing, 深度学习, 以及有效的教学实践. By making small adjustments to teaching practices and course structure, faculty can have an enormous impact on students’ wellness and ability to learn, 甚至在教室里. 的 Classroom Wellness Online Toolkit is a menu of strategies and resources, to help faculty incorporate elements of wellbeing into their pedagogy. 课堂上的健康 offers additional resources, 技术援助, and a Faculty Learning Community through the Center for Teaching and Learning. 欲了解更多信息或查询纳入健康在课堂上,请联系 巴威滕伯格 了解更多信息.
