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One Book Program


The Sacramento State University One Book Program selects a book each year to bring together the Sac State community and the Sacramento region. 该项目在整个学年提供了许多令人兴奋的活动.

The One Book Program selects a book that will serve as a catalyst for considered conversations focusing on issues of social justice. 我们选择的书往往会被推到边缘, 所以所有来自萨克州立社区的学生, faculty & 工作人员)以及萨克拉门托地区的朋友和家人, may start conversations with feelings about the book or topic to then move into thoughtful, 彼此之间的智力交流.


今年萨克拉门托州立大学和社区的一本书是 Farewell to Manzanar 作者:Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston (1972). This riveting memoir shares the challenges Japanese Americans faced during imprisonment during World War II. The protagonist Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston tells her story about how Japanese Americans lost their freedoms for the sake of national security, and she and her family were forced to live in an internment camp in Manzanar, California. Integration back into American society was a struggle of identity and acceptance for Jeanne since no one wanted to be identified as the “other.“一本书计划”与萨克州立大学的格林合作 & Gold Speakers Series and the Sac State Library’s Japanese Archival Collection, 邀请大家讨论种族主义的影响, exclusion, and belonging.



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加入Sac国家一本书计划的特别事件讨论 Farewell to Manzanar.

For ADA reasonable accommodations that would allow you to participate in One Book Program events please contact Rheena Munoz at rmunoz@csus.活动前5-10天.

SEPTEMBER 18, 2023
12 noon - 1:15 pm

与一本书计划和包容性卓越合作, the University Library invites the campus community to attend the first tea gathering of the Fall 2023 semester. 聚会将于中午至下午1:15举行.m. Monday, Sept. 18, in the Sokiku Nakatani Tea Room 在大学图书馆的下层. The presenters will host a discussion and Japanese tea gathering through the lens of this year’s One Book Farewell to Manzanar. 空间提供方便的座位. 如需额外住宿,请提供 contact the Library 至少在活动前五天.

加入我们的“读书俱乐部”,讨论《澳门博彩公司》的主题. 欢迎学生,员工和教职员工. Discussions are hosted by the Multicultural Center and the One Book Program.

OCTOBER 20, 2023 2 pm - 3 pm University Library 1010 Walk-ins are welcome.

NOVEMBER 3, 2023 2 pm - 3 pm University Library 1010 Walk-ins are welcome.

DECEMBER 8, 2023 2 pm - 3 pm University Library 1010 Walk-ins are welcome.

Dr. 山下文迪在Manzanar, Racism, Exclusion, Incarceration, 最后是复原力, and Belonging.

2023年11月14日上午10:30 -下午1:00

The One Book Program in partnership with Inclusive Excellence hosted the Hornet Family to listen and talk story with Dr. 山下文迪在Manzanar, racism, exclusion, incarceration, 最后是复原力, and belonging.

This year’s One Book was Farewell to Manzanar 作者Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston (1972). It is a story about how Japanese Americans lost their freedoms for the sake of national security, and how a young girl and her family were uprooted and forced to live in an internment camp in Manzanar, California. This riveting memoir shared how Japanese Americans faced imprisonment or rather incarceration during World War II.

In 1942, the U.S. government led the general population to believe that incarcerating Japanese immigrants and Japanese Americans was a “military necessity.” Utilizing euphemisms such as “relocation” and “evacuees” to justify racial profiling, confinement, and violence. Farewell to Manzanar has shown us, Japanese and Japanese Americans suffered great losses when they were forcibly removed from their homes to live behind barbed wire. For many years after, 日裔美国人对自己的经历保持沉默, lacking a language to describe what happened to them and unable to find an audience to listen.

Dr. 山下的演讲主要围绕以下主题:国家vs. communal/ethnic memory, loyalty/disloyalty, incarceration, euphemisms, and Ethnic Studies. She also featured models of resilience and belonging— Japanese American organizations that remember their history to push for a more just and equitable future for all Americans despite having experienced racism and exclusion in America. 出席会议的一些组织是Manzanar委员会, 日裔美国公民联盟弗洛林分会, and Tsuru for Solidarity.

感谢这200名学生, faculty, staff, and community who attended on Nov 14th in the University Ballroom from 10:30am-1pm with Dr. Wendi Yamashita. The event was a success!

One Book discussion of Japanese American internment spurs call to action

Morita, Jennifer (2023, November 16) One Book discussion of Japanese American internment spurs call to action. 萨克拉门托州立新闻编辑室.


Location (TBA)
Discussion description.

The Manzanar at Dusk Program centers around small group discussions where participants can hear the stories from former incarcerees first-hand, 分享自己的经历, and talk about how the issues raised by the concentration camp experience are still relevant today.

One Book Program Team & Partners

Dr. 蒂娜·乔丹,一本书计划协调员
Rheena Munoz,行政分析师/专家
一本书计划委员会 & Volunteers
包容性卓越 & Gold Speaker Series
Special Collections & 大学档案图书馆职员
多元文化中心,住房 & Residential Life

Special thanks to: Dr. Timothy Fong, Dr. Wendi Yamashita, Dr. Lily Anne Yumi Tamai, Dr. William Gow, Marietess Masulit, Dr. James German, and Dr. Mia Settles-Tidwell感谢你的智慧,专业知识,指导和支持.

2022-2023 One Book


第一个从哈佛法学院毕业的聋哑盲人, Haben Girma是一名促进残疾人正义的人权律师. 奥巴马总统称她为“白宫变革冠军”. 她获得了海伦·凯勒成就奖, 登上《澳门博彩官网》30位30岁以下精英榜单, and TIME100 Talks. President Bill Clinton, 总理贾斯汀·特鲁多, 和德国总理安格拉·默克尔都向哈本表示了敬意. Haben认为残疾是一个创新的机会, 她教导组织选择包容的重要性.

Haben was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she currently lives. 她的回忆录带领读者环游世界, 包括她父母在厄立特里亚和埃塞俄比亚的家, 在撒哈拉烈日下建学校, 在新泽西和导盲犬一起训练, 在阿拉斯加爬冰山, 在佛蒙特州法院为盲人读者而战, 并在白宫与奥巴马总统交谈. Warm, funny, thoughtful, and uplifting, this captivating book is a testament to Haben’s determination to resist isolation and find the keys to connection.

2021-2022 One Book

Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stephenson is the 2021-22 School Year's One Books. 兰登书屋出版, Just Mercy is Stephenson's account of creating the Equal Justice Initiative and his defense of those in need and the wrongfully condemned.

2020-2021 One Book

2020-2021年的一本书 There, There by Tommy Orange. (Vintage Books, 2018)

2019-2020 One Book

2019-2020年One Book精选书是约书亚·戴维斯的 Spare Parts: Four Undocumented Teenagers, One Ugly Robot, and the Battle for the American Dream (法拉、斯特劳斯和吉鲁,2014).


一本书评选委员会由教师组成, staff, students, 以及社区代表. Every year the Committee members collectively read and explore scores of books in order to start narrowing down the selection for the year. There are several meetings throughout the year to discuss and debate which book best suits the needs of the Program and the campus community for topical relevance, intellectual stimulation, and audience appeal.


  • 可访问性和对所有社区成员的吸引力
  • Quality of writing
  • Encourages interdisciplinary thought and sparks passionate discussion in a variety of courses and contexts
  • 探索不同的文化视角
  • 为新的学习和探索提供具有挑战性的机会
  • 解决当代问题

Suggest A Book!

If you'd like to make a suggestion for a future One Book selection to the Committee, 请发送电子邮件至onebook@csus.并附上你的建议, 事件和活动可能的编程想法, your contact information, 如果你和作者有任何联系.

All suggestions must be made by September 1 for consideration for the following year. Any suggestions that come in after the September 1 deadline will be considered for subsequent years.