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Greek Councils

How to Join

加入萨克拉门托州立大学的兄弟会或姐妹会是结识新朋友和融入大黄蜂社区的好方法! 希腊组织的会员资格为学生提供了必要的领导能力和专业发展经验,同时也为毕业后的生活做好了准备. Through the strong support systems built within Greek organizations, students will create forever memories alongside lifelong friends. 我们迫不及待地想让你体验希腊生活社区所能提供的一切. Stingers Up!

For more information on upcoming events, steps to join, and a list of recognized Greek organizations, read on about each of our active Greek councils below:

Interfraternity Council (IFC)

Who is IFC?

这个兄弟会的理事会努力支持男性学生寻求和形成积极的, enriching fraternal bonds through brotherhood, scholarship, leadership, and service to their community.

国际兄弟会理事会在每学期的前两周举办国际金融公司启动活动. 我们鼓励准会员参加理事会范围内的招募活动,以便有机会与兄弟会成员见面,并更多地了解每个组织的独特之处.

Kappa Sigma | Pi Kappa Phi | Sigma Alpha Epsilon | Sigma Phi Epsilon | Sigma Pi | Tau Kappa Epsilon

For more information, please contact the IFC President at ifcpresident.sacstate@gmail.或关注Interfraternity Council的Instagram账号@ifc_sacstate.

How to Join?

IFC启动后,每个兄弟会将在校外举办自己的招募活动. If you are interested in joining an IFC fraternity, 一定要在社交媒体上关注组织,了解更多对潜在会员开放的活动. 或者点击我们的Greek Life OneDrive文件夹的链接,查看IFC即将举办的活动的招聘传单.

Ready to register for recruitment? For more information or to complete your registration, please visit

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

Who is NPHC?

这个兄弟会理事会是九个国家认可的历史上的非裔美国人兄弟会和姐妹会的管理机构, also known as the Divine Nine or D9. 该委员会的主要目的是通过教育来提高社区的意识和行动, economic, and cultural service activities.

全国泛希腊理事会(NPHC)在秋季学期举办一年一度的黑色组织之夜. 该活动由NPHC以及各种学生组织和校园内外中心赞助,重点是支持非裔美国人文化和社区. In the spring semester, NPHC举办了一年一度的“遇见希腊人”活动,向未来的成员介绍NPHC的兄弟会和姐妹会,以及D9社区的丰富历史.

Phi Beta Sigma | Sigma Gamma Rho | Zeta Phi Beta

欲了解更多信息,请联系NPHC主席sacramentostatenphc@gmail.或在Instagram上关注全国泛希腊委员会(National Pan-Hellenic Council) @sacstatenphc.

How to Join?

Each NPHC organization has its own membership intake process, 一些学校每学年招生一次,而另一些学校每两年招生一次. If you are interested in joining an NPHC organization, 找到信息的最好方法是在社交媒体上关注感兴趣的组织, attend events, 联系兄弟会/姐妹会的成员,了解更多的入会机会. 一定要查看Greek Life One Drive,了解更多关于NPHC即将举行的活动.

Panhellenic Sorority Council (PSC)

Who is PSC?

这个姐妹会的理事会努力将重视姐妹情谊的女性学生聚集在一起, scholarship, inclusivity, 和健康,同时提供教育机会,促进每个妇女的个人和职业发展.

The Panhellenic Sorority Council (PSC) hosts Primary Recruitment, a structured three-day recruitment weekend each fall. 初级招募为潜在的成员提供了与每个姐妹会见面的机会,同时了解了更多的姐妹情谊, 社会活动和服务机会使每个组织独一无二. In the spring, PSC在开学的前两周举办一年一度的Panhellenic Kick Off,正式“启动”招聘季节!

Alpha Chi Omega | Alpha Phi | Delta Gamma | Gamma Phi Beta | Phi Mu | Phi Sigma Sigma | Sigma Kappa

For more information, please contact the PSC President at csus.psc.president@gmail.或在Instagram上关注泛希腊姐妹会理事会(Panhellenic Sorority Council) @csuspanhellenic.

How to Join?

跟随理事会范围内的活动,如初级招聘或PSC启动, 组织可能会继续招募新成员,并将在社交媒体上宣传活动. 鼓励有兴趣加入泛希腊姐妹会的学生在线关注理事会和/或感兴趣的组织,或查看我们的希腊生活OneDrive文件夹的链接,以查看PSC即将举行的活动的招聘传单.

Ready to register for recruitment? For more information or to complete your registration, please visit:

United Sorority & Fraternity Council (USFC)

Who is USFC?

这个兄弟会理事会致力于协助和提升多元文化的姐妹会和兄弟会, Latinx, Asian Interest, Filipinx, and GBTQ+ identities through the pillars of unity, education, diversity, professionalism, and community service.

The United Sorority & 博爱理事会在秋季和春季学期的前两周举办一年一度的USFC展示会. 该活动不仅是对USFC内17个兄弟会和姐妹会的介绍, 同时也允许每个组织通过表演和传统展示向社区展示他们的文化.

Alpha Kappa Delta Phi | Alpha Psi Lambda | Delta Lambda Phi | Epsilon Sigma Rho | Gamma Zeta Alpha | Kappa Psi Epsilon | Lambda Sigma Gamma | Lambda Theta Alpha | Lambda Theta Phi | Lambda Theta Phi | Nu Alpha Kappa | Sigma Omega | Sigma Omega Phi | Sigma Omicron Pi | Sigma Pi Alpha | Sigma Theta Psi | Zeta Sigma Chi

For more information, please contact the USFC President at or follow the United Sorority & Fraternity Council on Instagram at @usfc_sacstate.

How to Join?

USFC的每个兄弟会和姐妹会都有自己的入会流程, with some organizations conducting intake/rush each semester, while others do so only once a year. If you are interested in joining a USFC organization, 找到信息的最好方法是在社交媒体上关注感兴趣的组织, attend events, 并查看希腊生活OneDrive中即将推出的活动传单.