
咨询 学生健康 & 咨询服务



如果你想见心理健康临床医生的话, typically the first step is to come in for a consultation appointment.

Your consultation will last about 45 minutes and will give you a chance to talk through your concerns, 获得支持和反馈. Many students find that they feel better and that their needs are met with just one session.

在您的咨询下, your mental health clinician will talk with you about your options and make a recommendation about the next steps. 从那里, 您可以选择参加后续预约, 开始短期治疗, 报名参加研讨会或团体治疗, or meet with our Patient Care Coordinator to learn about and receive support pursuing services off-campus.

预约会诊, you can book online through the Patient Portal or call the 学生健康 & 咨询服务前台(916)278-6461.



学生健康及辅导服务, 我们致力于提供一个安全, 欢迎, 为所有学生提供肯定的环境. We recognize that many students in our Hornet community are impacted by ongoing discrimination and oppression, 以及最近的本地, 国内和国际时事. At SHCS we stand as allies to marginalized communities and are committed to affirming the values of inclusivity and belonging. 如果学生受到负面对待, 威胁, or subtler forms of oppression because of their race or ethnicity, 宗教信仰, 原产国, 移民身份, 性取向, 性别认同, or other aspects of their identity and would like support or assistance, 我们是来支持他们的.


确定你的目标. 想想你想从心理咨询中得到什么. 写一张事件清单可能会有帮助, 关系问题, 或者你认为导致你痛苦的感觉. Take time before each session to consider your expectations for that session. 自我探索和改变需要努力工作, and sometimes painful feelings are stirred up in the process of healing. Counselors are trained to pay close attention to these issues and will probably encourage you to discuss these feelings openly.

积极参与. This is your counseling experience, so be as active as you can in deciding how to use the time. Be honest with the counselor and give them feedback about how you see the sessions progressing.

听从辅导员的建议. Take the time between sessions to complete any activities suggested by your counselor. 咨询 is intended to improve your life in the "real world,所以努力尝试和练习新的行为, 方法, or ways of thinking could be a crucial element to the success of your counseling experience.

询问有关咨询过程的问题, 辅导员使用的任何方法, 或有关本中心其他服务的资料. Your counselor is there to collaborate with you and welcomes your questions about the process.

对自己有耐心. 成长需要时间、努力和耐心. 你所有的应对技巧, 行为模式, and self-perceptions have been learned and reinforced over a long period of time, 所以改变有时是困难和缓慢的.


Unsure if you’re ready to schedule an appointment for professional mental health counseling? 同伴咨询是一个很好的开始. Peer Counselors are current 囊状态 students who are trained to be non-judgmental, 支持的倾听者和基于价值观的问题解决者. Peer Counselors can meet with you for a 30-minute 1:1 appointment either in person or online. All students and topics are welcome and Peer Counselors are trained to seek support if needed to ensure your safety.

  • 学校的压力
  • 孤独、孤立或适应校园生活
  • 关系或家庭问题
  • 感觉不足或冒名顶替综合症
  • 交友的挑战
  • 身份问题或种族压力的经历

同侪辅导员的办公地点遍布校园, 包括梦想家资源中心, APIDA中心, 灵魂中心, 骄傲的中心, 和更多的! 了解更多澳门博彩官网的同伴辅导员或 安排预约

同侪辅导员每学期也提供小组辅导. 了解更多关于团体咨询的信息


Decades of research have found that group therapy is just as effective as individual therapy for many common concerns. In group therapy, 5-10 students meet with one or two clinicians to talk about issues they are facing. 接受团体治疗的人往往感觉不那么孤独和孤立, as they benefit from the mutual support and learning that occurs from interaction with others who have similar concerns. Some groups meet for only a few weeks and focus on a specific topic or skill set meanwhile, some groups meet throughout the semester and have a broader focus. There are also some groups where students can drop-in, but many require you to sign up in advance.


We offer short-term individual counseling with an emphasis on your academic success and improving your daily functioning. Individual counseling provides an opportunity to talk with an objective, caring professional about your concerns or problems in a brief, 着重于解决方案的方式. One-on-one counseling can help people with common problems and mental health issues such as academic stress, 焦虑, 文化和身份问题, 抑郁症, 家庭或关系问题, 性侵犯, 物质使用, LGBTQIA +问题, 悲伤和失落, 身体形象, 低自尊.

  • 学术困难
  • 上瘾
  • 焦虑
  • 酒精滥用
  • 丧亲之痛
  • 文化上的调整
  • 抑郁症
  • 饮食失调
  • 创伤后的症状
  • 质疑性取向和出柜
  • 关系问题
  • 压力


如果你处于危机之中, please ask to meet with the urgent care clinician rather than scheduling an appointment. Please walk-in to the 紧急护理 department at 学生健康 and 咨询服务, 在井的一楼.

Generally, a crisis entails acute emotional distress, combined with one or more of the following:

  • 你无法应对最近的压力源(如.g.例如,考试不及格,一段重要关系的结束等等.),不能等待预约.

  • You recently experienced physical or 性侵犯 or another significant trauma.

  • 你亲近的人最近去世了.

  • 您的生命或安全目前处于危险之中(例如, 由于家庭暴力, 最近无家可归, 酒精或其他药物戒断).

  • You are concerned about your ability to keep yourself safe (You have a plan to hurt or kill yourself or have recently taken steps to end your life).

  • You may have a strong desire or plan to physically hurt or kill someone else.

  • You are experiencing psychosis (hearing voices or seeing things that other people do not, or feeling like people are plotting against you or out to get you).


除了我们的服务, 你可能会被推荐到校园里的另一个办公室去咨询, 比如就业中心或关怀办公室. Your clinician may also refer you to a mental health provider off-campus if your concerns would be best addressed by a therapist who can offer intensive, 长期, 或者专门的心理健康治疗. 如果需要社区转诊, your therapist will help connect you to an appropriate service or may schedule you an appointment with our Patient Care Coordinator.

** SHCS不提供以下功能**

  • 情感支持动物的信件或文件;
  • Psychological testing, including AD/HD and Learning Disorder assessment;
  • Letters or documentation for medical withdrawal or financial aid appeals, 除非该学生曾在CAPS接受治疗;
  • Testing for accommodations for standardized tests, such as the LSAT, GRE, DAT, PCAT, and MCAT;
  • 强制咨询(包括法院强制咨询);
  • 残疾评估(或心理咨询考试);
  • Letters or documentation of services for training or educational purposes;
  • 是否适合工作评估