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The Center Grand Opening represents a significant milestone in the heart of the University. We are pleased that key leaders in SASEEP took up the charge to work on efforts over a period of several years to make the new Native Center entitled the Esaktima Center a reality. 在我们开始庆祝活动之际,我们要为瑞娜·马鼓掌, 本地成功协调员/顾问, Jose Mejia, EOP招生和推广的高级领导和过渡项目协调员, Alejandra Avina, EOP Administrative Analyst, Dr. Chao Vang, 负责教育公平项目的助理副总裁, Anne Cheng, Budget Analyst, and Kevin Nguyen, Lead Operations Analyst for SASEEP, for their work to advance the Esaktima Center and to provide lead guidance in the planning details and execution of projects to bring the Center to fruition.

We also honor the magnificent work of the Esaktima Planning Committee and its members for their commitment and dedication. Together, SASEEP has worked as a unified whole in partnership with the Division of Student Affairs, the Division of Administration and Business Affairs through the work of Facilities, and with outside contractors and community supporters to make the Center projects come to life.

Special thanks is extended to our SASEEP Media Team led by Letrice Fowler for her lead work to market the Center and to showcase the great work being done to unveil the Center activities and initiatives, 还有Phong Tran和University Marketing and Communications. We salute these cornerstone leaders for amplifying the work and assuring its success.


Theme “Honoring Our Native Students”

Background Leaders and Supporters

中心的盛大开幕是辛勤工作的反映, commitment and leadership of the campus to provide a broad range of services and support to amplify the voices of underserved students and to foster an even greater sense of belonging and educational equity support to students from throughout the campus. The first ever Esaktima Center will be housed under the Division of Student Affairs, under the leadership of Dr. Aniesha Mitchell, Vice President of Student Affairs, and Associate Vice President Dr. Marcellene Watson-Derbigny. The overarching Director for the affinity centers is being led by the Assistant Vice President, Dr. Chao Vang. Working together, with Center Coordinator Rena Horse, the vibrancy of the Center and the services it will provide have been highly anticipated with much excitement. This great work could not have been accomplished without the support of Native Success Planning Committee (listed fully on the webpage), the College of SSIS, 民族研究学院和系主任, Dr. Annette Reed, Anne Cheng Budget Analyst, Kevin Nguyen, SASEEP Administrative Lead, Dr. Susan Collins, the Infrastructure Project Lead, 来自设施部的格兰特·沃特金斯和马克·佩里, Karyl Burwell, 战略业务资源执行董事, 和学生事务处IT部的苏西·瓦尔迪兹. 最重要的是,规划团队要感谢罗伯特. Nelsen for his visionary support of the Center and for paving the way for its genesis and special thanks is extended to Dr. 感谢卢克·伍德在他的领导下实现了校园的愿景.



  • Galvanize the campus and community partners to take part in the long awaited opening of the Esaktima Center, 哪个是为了促进和促进学生的成功和教育公平而设计的.
  • Create an atmosphere of celebration and a moment of pride cementing the historical unveiling of the new Center
  • 为教师提供参与的途径, staff, students, alumni, 和社区利益相关者,支持中心未来的工作


Esaktima中心的盛大开幕将于 Friday, March 8th, 2024 from 10 am – 4 pm. Guests can select the components of the day they wish to attend by viewing the Grand Opening schedule.

Program Special Features

  • The event will include a breakfast, luncheon, 下午接待中心参观和娱乐活动.
  • Keynote speakers, community guests, and opportunities to network will also be included.
  • 特别的艺术作品将在中心展出.
  • 中心的VIP参观将在当天的特定时间举行.
  • 参观中心也将全天开放.
  • 文化演出将在一楼的拉森厅举行.

Schedule of Events


Center Grand Opening

Opening Session

10:00 - 11:30 am
University Union Ballroom

Concurrent Sessions 1

11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Primary VIP Tours of the Center
Lassen Hall First Floor

11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Ballroom I and II

11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Resource Fair
Ballroom III

12:00 - 1:30 pm
Native Success Luncheon & Program
University Union Ballroom

Concurrent Sessions 2

1:30 - 2:30 pm
Entertainment, Speeches, and Awards
University Union Ballroom

1:30 - 2:30 pm
Primary VIP Tours of the Center
Lassen Hall, First Floor

Culminating Sessions

2:30 - 3:00 pm
Transition to Lassen Hall

3:00 - 4:00 pm
Lassen Hall, First Floor

Parking for the March 8th Grand Opening

Parking for the event is free on the 5th and 6th floors of Parking Structure 3. Special parking in ADA Lot 5 and Lot 6 (Faculty/Staff) will be provided for elders given its proximity to the Union.

For detailed directions to the Sacramento State campus and the campus map, visit the Directions to Campus page.

Directions to Campus page

RSVP for the Grand Opening Celebration

Please see the link provided below to register for the portions of the celebrations you wish to attend.

Esaktima Center Grand Opening

Sponsorship Information

"Honoring Our Native Students”

萨克拉门托州立大学非常高兴地宣布中心的盛大开幕. The overarching goal is to foster a sense of community for students and one that involves encouragement, mentoring, and service, 因为我们共同努力推进教育公平和学生的成功.

We are excited for this monumental occasion for the campus and community as a whole. If you wish to be a sponsor, please select one of the sponsorship levels below or an amount that works for you or your business/agency. 你对这一重要努力的支持是值得珍惜和赞赏的.

Legacy Level

  • Advertised as the presenting sponsor
  • 受邀参加盛大的开幕式,并有演讲的机会
  • Acknowledgement in the printed program and promotional materials before and during the event
  • 在网页和社交媒体上发布徽标和/或名称
  • 印刷节目广告上的标志和/或名称
  • Name mention in Press Releases

Preservation Level

  • 邀请参加开幕酒会并有演讲机会
  • Acknowledgement in the printed program and promotional materials before and during the event
  • 在网页和社交媒体上发布徽标和/或名称
  • 印刷节目广告上的标志和/或名称

Heritage Level

  • 邀请参加开幕酒会并有演讲机会
  • Acknowledgement in the printed program and promotional materials before and during the event

Note: Contributions of any sponsorship level are gladly accepted in support of this auspicious occasion.

To be recognized in the printed materials for the Center Grand Openings, the sponsorship deadline is Friday, March 1, 2024.

Book Your VIP Tour of the New Center

There will be a scheduled VIP Tour walk through of the Esaktima Center between 11:30 am and 12:00 pm, 以及下午1:30到2:00之间. 请使用以下链接提前计划您的预订. In addition, there will be Walk-in Tours between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm for the general campus and community.

Note: 参观时间为30分钟.

Book Your VIP Tour


  • Dr. Marcellene Watson-Derbigny, Associate Vice President, 学生保留和学业成功(课程规划)
  • Dr. Chao Vang, Assistant Vice President, Educational Equity Programs and Student Success (Program Planning and Sponsorships)
  • Rena Horse, Native Success Coordinator and Counselor for the Esaktima Center (Lead Planner)
  • Jose Mejia, EOP高级主管,招生和过渡项目(外联)
  • 预算分析师,SASEEP(预算及物流)
  • Kevin Nguyen, SASEEP首席行政支援协调员(物流)
  • Alejandra Avina(后勤和志愿者协调)
  • 妮可·福勒(摄影师和摄像师)
  • Phong Tran (Lead Student Designer)


Sacramento State

  • Dr. Annette Reed, Ethnic Studies Dept. Chair
  • Dr. Brian Baker, ETHN-Faculty
  • Amber Bill, ETHN-Faculty
  • Anthony Burris, ETHN-Faculty
  • Nia Gregory, ETHN-Faculty
  • Dr. Rose Soza War-Soldier, ETHN-Faculty
  • Dr. Boatamo Mosupyoe, Assoc. Dean - SSIS
  • Dr. Dianne Hyson, Dean of SSIS
  • Dr. Sue Hobbs, Dept. 本科教育研究主席
  • Dr. Tamara Cheshire, ANTH-Lecturer
  • Jose Martinez, Graduate Studies
  • Dr. 学生事务副总裁兼首席招生官艾德·米尔斯
  • Dr. marcelene Watson-Derbigny,学生保留率副总裁 & Academic Success
  • Rena Horse, ‘Esaḱtima Center/SASEEP
  • Jose Mejia, EOP/NSP/SASEEP
  • Stella Cuevas, ‘Esaḱtima Center/SASEEP
  • Pauline Ghost, Student- ENIT Pres.
  • Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda, Student- ENIT秘书
  • Amanda Croteau, Student/SASEEP
  • Juliet Marie Maestas, Student


  • Ivan Senock

Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians

  • James Sarmento
  • Sigrid Benson
  • Jonathan Geary
  • Adam Tejada
  • Jacky Calanchini

Ione Band of Miwok Indians

  • Anthony Burris

United Auburn Indian Community

  • Crystal Blue
  • Anthony Ruiz
  • Derrick Goodwin

Wilton Rancheria, California

  • Anthony Wilson
  • Joshua Martinez

Volunteer Opportunities

The Center Grand Opening will include an opportunity to give back through volunteering in support of the event. 我们有各种各样的志愿者轮班和机会. 志愿者培训将于28日举行th, 2024 at 2 pm to review the elements of the program via Zoom and logistical needs in preparation for the program will be covered during that time. 如果您无法参加,将提供Zoom录音. 在注册志愿者后,Zoom链接将发送给您.

Use the button below to determine how best to serve and support the Grand Openings to help assure program success.

Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you in advance for your support to help with the Center Grand Opening as we unveil the new Native Center to support and guide the work of helping educational equity students.


我们很高兴能邀请您和您的班级参加Esaktima中心的开幕典礼. 我们很荣幸有您和您的班级参与到这项努力中来. The Grand Opening will celebrate the theme of “Honoring Our Native Students” We have several components that you are able to bring your class to in order to foster engagement and celebration on Friday, March 8th. 这里是一个组件的总结,是伟大的选择,为您的类:

10:00 – 11:30 am
Celebratory Breakfast
University Union Ballroom, 1st Floor

2:00 – 4:00 pm
Center Tours and Celebration Activities
Lassen Hall, 1st Floor

请使用下面的按钮注册您的课程. 感谢您对中心盛大开幕的支持.

Class Registration

Accommodation Services

感谢您有兴趣参加…的开幕典礼 3月8日星期五上午10点至下午4点. 如果您需要住宿服务来参加本次活动,请发电子邮件 with your request. 感谢您的支持,我们期待为您服务.