
面向学生的COVID-19信息 学生事务处






加利福尼亚州向所有科罗拉多州立大学校区提供资金,以紧急拨款的形式为学生提供与COVID-19大流行相关的经济影响. All of these emergency grants have been awarded, and the funding was distributed successfully to the students in need. 不幸的是, the funds provided to our campus have now been exhausted, and thus COVID-19 related emergency grants have been closed.

HEERF III -美国救援计划(ARP)

我们很高兴地宣布,萨克拉门托州立大学已经收到了我们第三轮高等教育紧急救济基金III (HEERF III)的资金, 由美国救援计划授权. 萨克拉门托 State has received $104,779,019 million in HEERF III funds, at least $52,518,533 of which is to provide direct financial support to students.

高等教育紧急救济基金III (HEERF III)是由美国救援计划(ARP)授权的。, 公法117-2, 于3月11日签署成为法律, 2021, 提供39美元.60亿美元用于支持高等教育机构为学生提供服务,并确保在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间继续学习.

ARP资金是《澳门博彩公司》授权资金的补充, 2021 (CRRSAA), 公法116-260, 和冠状病毒援助, 复苏, 和经济安全(关怀)法案, 公法116-136. Emergency funds available to institutions and their students under all emergency funds total $76.20亿年.

HEERF III - 2021年秋季

该大学分发了26 258,562美元.11 after Fall 2021 census (early October) to 32,431 eligible students. 以前的紧急应急基金付款也是如此, 2021年秋季分配将使用佩尔资格和单位负荷作为分配数量的决定因素. Please see the table below for the breakdown of the distribution amounts.

2021年秋季-佩尔型 全职  兼职
Pell合格EFC $900 $675
不符合佩尔标准的EFC高达10,000 EFC $800 $575
10,001 EFC and above (including no EFC on file) $700 $500

HEERF III - 2022年春季

该大学计划分发超过29美元.7 million dollars to more than 26,000 eligible students in the first week of March. As was the case for the prior HEERF disbursements, 2022年春季分配将使用佩尔资格和单位负荷作为分配数量的决定因素. Please see the table below for the breakdown of the distribution amounts.

2022年春季-佩尔型 全职  兼职
Pell合格EFC $1,175 $900
不符合佩尔标准的EFC高达10,000 EFC $1,000 $800
10,001 EFC and above (including no EFC on file) $820 $700

HEERF II紧急拨款信息


我们很高兴地宣布,萨克拉门托州立大学已经收到了第二轮高等教育紧急救济基金II (HEERF)的资金, authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 (CRRSAA). 萨克拉门托州立大学收到了17美元.8 million in CRRSAA funds to provide financial aid grants for students.

Every student has been affected by the pandemic. 我们努力确保所有学生都能获得救济,同时承认目前以佩尔助学金形式获得高需求联邦经济援助的学生可能会继续增加需求. For full information on how HEERF II funds will be allocated and who is eligible, 查看下面的HEERF II常见问题解答.

萨克拉门托州立大学打算利用在HEERF II下收到的近1800万美元向学生提供紧急财政援助补助金. 这笔资金的目的是为因大流行而遭受收入损失或费用增加的学生提供经济救济. 高等院校获得的第二阶段高等教育资助基金的数额主要取决于招收的高需求学生的人数.

HEERF II紧急拨款常见问题解答2021年春季

HEERF II紧急拨款视频

防止欺诈行为 & 偷来的资金

With the rising number of phishing scams related to financial aid, 2019冠状病毒病联邦刺激支出和HEERF基金,我们 强烈建议 all students to prevent fraud and stolen funds by enrolling in 使用Duo进行两步验证. 这个免费且易于使用的安全工具需要两个因素(您的SacLink密码和向您发送推送通知的移动澳门博彩官网程序)来验证您的身份并防止未经授权的访问您的帐户. 你可以在 基督教社会联盟.edu/duo or direct any questions or concerns to the IRT Service Desk Team at servicedesk@基督教社会联盟.edu.

HEERF II: How Funds Are Distributed for Spring 2021

在我们等待美国央行指引的同时.S. 教育部, 我们根据国会的指导决定如何最好地分配赠款,优先为最需要的学生提供赠款. 我们目前在财务需求(FAFSA)档案中的信息是基于2019年的纳税申报表, 这可能无法准确反映我们的学生自2020年3月以来所面临的经济挑战.

Obviously, every student has been affected in one way or another by the pandemic. 因此, 我们努力确保所有学生都能获得救济,同时承认目前以佩尔助学金形式获得高需求联邦经济援助的学生可能会继续增加需求. 因此, the CRRSAA funds will be allocated to all students in the manner shown in the table below.

佩尔类型 报名参加7个或更多的单元 注册6个或更少的单元
Pell合格EFC $850 $700
不符合Pell资格的EFC或没有FAFSA $750 $600

HEERF II: 2021年春季接收资金

All students will automatically receive their grant via eRefund or a mailed check. Our goal is to have eRefund grants disbursed at the end of next week, 支票会在一周后寄出. 学生在学生中心更新他们的目录信息是非常重要的,因为支票将被发送到那里列出的地址. The quickest way for students to receive their grant is via eRefund. Students should strongly consider signing up for eRefund if they have not already done so. Students should also double-check that their eRefund bank account is still active. Students can find eRefund in their Student Center. Information on how to access eRefund can be found on the Campus Bursar's Office web page. Students who have a balance due or a hold on their account will still receive a full grant. They can, but are not required to, use their grant to pay down their balance or resolve any holds.

有关更详细的信息,请查看 HEERF II紧急拨款常见问题解答- 2021年春季.


注意: Reported students and amounts after July 1, 2022 are reporting in the quarterly reports links below.

慈善基金/关怀奖助金 截至目前
$88,080,671.86 2022年3月31日
$62,678,627.87 2021年12月31日
$36,420,065.76 2021年9月30日
$35,814,534.02 2021年6月30日
$35,734,362.00 2021年4月1日
$17,867,181.00 2021年2月14日
$17,865,452.13  2021年1月5日
$17,865,252.13 2020年10月5日
$17,830,907.30 2020年8月20日
$17,706,732.30 2020年7月10日
$17,385,586.50 2020年5月27日

Number of Students Disbursed a HEERF Emergency Grant as of Mar. 31, 2022

注意: Reported students and amounts after July 1, 2022 are reporting in the quarterly reports links below.

HEERF分配 学生人数
我的学生关心 28,734
二级学生- CRRSAA 22,489
学生- ARP 58,104


萨克拉门托州立大学承认, 4月28日, 2020, 该机构签署了HEERF CARES ACT的认证和协议,并将金额为35美元的协议退还给了教育部,734,而萨克拉门托州立大学打算使用, 不少于50%的资金, or $17,867,181, 根据《澳门博彩公司》第18004(a)(1)条收到,用于向学生提供紧急财政援助补助金. 另外的50%, or $17,867,181, 根据第18004(a)(1)条的规定,将用于抵消过渡期间产生的成本,以支付因冠状病毒导致的教学交付重大变化相关的任何成本.

另外, 该大学总共收到了2美元,705,232 in additional CARES Act monies under Section 18004(a)(2) for Minority Serving Institutions. 这些资金的使用方式基本上与第18004(a)(1)条-机构资金的使用方式相同.

所有机构支助资金都是作为上述《澳门博彩公司》各节规定的以前发生的费用的报销. 因此, 以下提供的报告将仅列出从教育部申请和收到的款项. 大学将继续确定合格的费用,并在整个资格期间要求资金.

随后, the University received Institutional and MSI monies under the CRRSAA and ARP Acts, which were functionally combined with the original CARES monies. The quarterly reporting below reflects spending from all three of the granted amounts.

The reports below indicate the uses of the monies as of the dates listed in the report. The reports also fulfill the HEERF CARES Act, CRRSAA, and ARP Act quarterly reporting requirement.

HEERF: How Funds Were Distributed in Spring 2020

Specific award amounts and disbursement strategies differed across CSUs, 优先事项是通过财政援助申请程序向表现出最高财政需求的学生群体提供最多的HEERF资金.

After 萨克拉门托 State received its HEERF funds, emergency grants were disbursed to students very quickly. The award amounts below were designed to spread the HEERF allocation across the eligible student body. 根据1965年《澳门博彩官网》第484条,估计该机构有资格或可能有资格参加联邦学生经济援助计划的学生总数, 修订后的是28,913, 因此有资格根据《澳门博彩公司》第18004(a)(1)条向学生发放紧急经济援助补助金.

  1. 最高的助学金金额提供给符合条件的学生,他们表现出最高的经济需求,从他们的经济援助申请中确定.
  2. The next group exhibited some financial need through their financial aid applications.
  3. The third group of students did not file an application for financial aid. 全日制以下学生(本科生11个或更少学分,研究生7个或更少学分)的紧急助学金奖励金额是全日制学生的一半.
学生团体 全职 小于FT 总计
1. 最高经济需求 $850 $425 16,470
2. 一些财务需求 $400 $200 7,434
3. 没有提交FAFSA $200 $100 5,009

HEERF: 2020年春季收到的资金

Funds were disbursed automatically to eligible students through the Bursar’s Office. Students who signed up for eRefund had funds disbursed directly to their bank account. All other students had a check sent to the current address listed in their Student Center. The full award was disbursed to students regardless of whether they owe any money to the University. Students signed up for eRefund or updated their current address through their Student Center.

Students who were not eligible to file a federal financial aid application (FAFSA), 但有资格提交《澳门博彩公司》财务援助申请的学生则从机构资金中获得资助. Those disbursements followed the same amounts as shown in the table above.