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Office for Equal Opportunity Division of Inclusive Excellence

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Pregnant and Parenting Student Rights

FAQs for Sacramento State Students

第九条禁止基于性别和性别的歧视——包括怀孕, 在接受联邦资助的教育、项目和活动中,父母和所有相关的条件. If you are a pregnant or parenting student, 你有权利留在学校,这样你就可以实现你的教育和职业目标.

To report incidents of harassment or discrimination due to pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or any related medical conditions, please submit an online report to the Office for Equal Opportunity

How Does Title IX Apply to Pregnant or Parenting Students?

Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex – including pregnancy, parenting, and all related conditions, 比如堕胎——在教育项目和活动中得到联邦资助. 根据《澳门博彩官网》,怀孕不被认为是由于怀孕而造成的残疾, 个人可能会遇到可能导致残疾的情况(例如.e., carpal tunnel, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, etc.) and may qualify as temporary disabilities. 第九条要求萨克拉门托州立大学为符合《澳门博彩官网》“合格残疾人”标准的怀孕学生提供临时住宿.

This means that Sacramento State must give all students who might be, are, 或者已经怀孕了,和其他学生一样有平等的机会参加学校项目和教育机会. 你的教授或学校管理人员不应该告诉你,你必须退出你的课程或学术项目或改变你的教育计划,因为你的怀孕.

大学可以要求怀孕的学生提供医生的健康证明,以继续参加教育项目或活动,但同样的要求也适用于所有其他身体或情绪状况需要医生照顾的学生. 必须为怀孕的学生提供与其他有类似医疗需求的学生相同的住宿和支持服务.

Temporary Disability While Pregnant

怀孕期间的暂时残疾——如果你认为你可能会因为怀孕而暂时残疾, and may require accommodations while pregnant please contact the Parents & Families Program at (916) 278-4353 or with any questions.

Because each pregnancy situation is unique, as are the curriculum requirements, 每个案例都将涉及怀孕学生和社会福利署无障碍协调员之间的互动过程,以审查最有效的住宿.


New Parent - If you believe you may require resources as a new parent, 请致电(916)278-4353或电子邮件与家长和家庭计划联系

Sacramento State must excuse your absences due to pregnancy, childbirth, 或任何相关的疾病,只要你的医生说你有必要缺席. 即使有其他条件的学生没有休假政策,情况也是如此. 只要你的医生认为有必要,你的教授必须为你提供休假. 当你返回学校时,你必须恢复到你离校前的身份.

What if my professor’s absence/makeup policy applies regardless?

While your professor may have a strict attendance policy, Sacramento State is bound by federal civil rights law. 第九条要求大学确保所有教职员工遵守法律,不歧视怀孕和育儿的学生. Thus, you cannot be penalized for pregnancy or related medical conditions. An individual professor’s policy is not OK if it breaks the law.

After returning from an excused absence, 你的教授必须给你合理的时间来弥补你错过的作业和考试. 补考的作业和考试必须与错过的相当, but need not be identical. 如果教授根据出勤率给学生提供特定的“分数”或其他优势, 你必须有机会把因怀孕而缺课的学分挣回来.

For example, 如果你有医生的证明,证明你有几个星期没有上课,因为你在分娩前“卧床休息”, 萨克拉门托州立大学必须为你提供适当的作业和信息,以弥补你在外出期间需要完成的所有工作. For an extended absence, 最佳实践建议大学为你提供你经常错过的工作, so you do not fall far behind.

Do I have a right to participate in off-campus elements of my program?

Yes. 萨克拉门托州立大学必须允许你继续参加实习等机会, career rotations, and other off-campus elements of your program off-campus programs. For example, if your program provides opportunities to “work in the field,” you cannot be excluded based on your pregnancy. 除非你的教授要求所有有疾病需要医生治疗的学生都有医生的证明,否则你的教授不能要求医生证明继续参加课程. 如果他们确实要了一张纸条,他们就不能事后猜测医生的决定.


Handling Offensive Comments


Pursuant to CSU Executive Order 1095, Title IX requires the university to provide training to students, administrators, 让教师和其他工作人员知道第九条禁止歧视怀孕和育儿的学生, and assist the campus in helping to meet the unique educational, childcare, and health care needs of pregnant and parenting Students.

CSU Executive Order 1097 requires the university to prevent and address sex-based harassment, including harassment based on pregnancy. 如果你遇到这种情况,你应该立即寻求帮助. 法律禁止任何人因为你提出投诉或提出担忧而对你进行报复.

Can Sac State take my scholarship back when they find out I am pregnant?

No, Sacramento State cannot terminate or reduce athletic, merit, or need-based scholarships based on pregnancy. If you stay in school, you can keep your scholarship.

Can I keep my student status if I take a semester off?

Not necessarily—it depends on the leave policy at your school. 如果你想休假的时间比医生说的要长, you will need to consult your school’s non-medical leave policy.

Do I have the same rights as a student employee?

Your rights as an employee are different from your rights as a student. If you work for Sacramento State, you may be eligible for family or medical leave, or may qualify for maternity leave under the school’s policy, but that may not include leave from your classes, beyond what is medically necessary.

Retroactive Action


You may still have options. If you believe you experienced pregnancy related discrimination, contact the Office for Equal Opportunity at (916) 278-5770 or or the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights to learn more. Even if it is too late for you, 你可以帮助萨克拉门托州立大学确保那些和你一样的女性不会遇到同样的障碍.