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AICP Advisory Council

萨克拉门托 State Antiracism and 公司lusive Campus Plan Implementation Advisory Council (AICP Advisory Council) is a committee of the University, established by the President.


The mission of the is to provide strategic advice, proactive guidance, and assist the Vice President for 公司lusive Excellence and University 多样性 Officer in making informed decisions and tracking the transformation and implementation of the Antiracism and 公司lusive Action Plan.

AICP Advisory Council Membership

Composition of Membership

The AICP-AC will be a community-based group of stakeholders 代表resenting the diversity of the campus community. The committee must be comprised of students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, and retirees who are 代表resentatives of our 萨克拉门托 State community.

The members shall be as follows:
  1. Vice President for 公司lusive Excellence (Chair)*
  2. Representative Office of the President (President’s appointment)*
  3. Representative Division of 公司lusive Excellence (appointed by VP 公司lusive Excellence)*
  4. Faculty 代表resentative (appointed by Faculty Senate)*
  5. Faculty 代表resentative (appointed by Faculty Senate)
  6. Employee Affinity Group (appointed by EAG Collective) *
  7. ASI Student 代表resentative - Undergraduate (appointed by ASI)
  8. ASI Student 代表resentative - Graduate (appointed by ASI)
  9. Representative 体育运动 (appointed by 体育运动)
  10. Alumni (appointed by Alumni Association)
  11. Retired Staff (Appointed by Retiree Association)
  12. 萨克拉门托 Region Community Member (2 members through Anchor)
  13. Administrative Staff to the Council (appointed by VP for 公司lusive Excellence)*

*denotes required membership

AICP Advisory Council 负责

2023-24 AICP Advisory Council Members

TBD – Graduate student

Rose Borunda – Community member (retired 教师)

Cecil Canton – 萨克拉门托 Region Community member (alternate)

Alexandra Dominguez Estrella – ASI student

Michelle Dungca, Staff

Kevin Ferreira van Leer – Faculty Senate 代表. #1

TBD – Faculty Senate 代表. #2

Sandra Gallardo – Staff to the Council

Leha Hawkins – 囊状态 Alumni/IE

Patricia Holmes – 萨克拉门托 Region Community member

Peggy Kay – Staff

托尼·洛肯- EAG

Jennifer Murchison – IE 代表 for Disability Justice

Antonia Peigahi – President’s Office

Pamm Hubbard-Zierfuss – 体育运动 Department Rep

塔蒂亚娜·阿扎德-美国.S.A. 代表.


The goal of the AICP Implementation Advisory Council are:

  • Advise on best practices to strategically address historic and predictable disparate outcomes within and among 萨克拉门托 State communities;
  • Utilize qualitative and quantitative data to drive and inform equity-based and diversity recommendations
  • Track progress of AICP recommendations and the work of the AICP Implementation Teams
  • Act as ambassadors and promoters of the progress of 萨克拉门托 State’s efforts toward being an Antiracism and 公司lusive campus
  • Participate in the production of the annual Antiracism and 包容 Impact Report


The AICP Advisory Council will:

  • Conduct annual equity, 包容, and diversity audits of the campus culture and recommend changes based upon findings;
  • Produce and disseminate information to the 萨克拉门托 State community regarding the work and progress of the AICP Implementation Teams;
  • Inform the production of the monthly AICP activities, programs, and events;
  • Review and refine the annual Antiracism and 包容 Impact Report;
  • Discuss and align DEI efforts to related system-wide initiatives and executive orders