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Asian Studies Program College of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies

Meet Us


EunMi Cho, Ed.D.

Photo of EunMi Cho, Ed.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: Bilingual Special Education, 亚洲国家特殊教育问题的研究和师资培训.

Joël Dubois, Th.D.

Photo of Joël Dubois, Th.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 印度教,佛教,比较宗教.

Jeffrey Dym, Ph.D.

Asian Studies Advisor

Photo of Jeffrey Dym, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 日本近代文化史.

Greg Morae Kim-Ju, Ph.D.

Asian Studies Advisor

Greg Morae Kim-Ju博士摄.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 韩国的民族认同和公民参与.

Kazue Masuyama, Ph.D.

Photo of Kazue Masuyama, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: Japanese-language pedagogy, Language assessment, Educational technology, Professional development, Global education, Translation.

Sujatha Moni, Ph.D.

Photo of Sujatha Moni, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: Women’s & 性别研究,后殖民研究,戏剧 & 行为理论,印度文学,南亚,精神分析.

James DeShaw Rae, Ph.D.

Asian Studies Director & Advisor

  • Specialty & Interests: 中国与东南亚政治与社会,东南亚国家建设. 主要研究方向为人权和国际法, 特别是努力促进和平与正义.

Raghuraman Trichur, Ph.D.

Asian Studies Vice-Director & Advisor

Raghuraman Trichur博士照片.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 南亚,政治经济,殖民主义,民族主义,全球化,旅游和暴力.

Michael Vann, Ph.D.

Photo of Michael Vann, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 帝国主义和殖民在东南亚,重点是法国在越南, History of Race, World History, Film and History, History of Disease, History of Violence.

Kristina Sakamoto Vassil博士.D.

Kristina Sakamoto Vassil博士照片.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 现代日本文学,战前日本移民美国.S.、亚裔美国文学与文化、日语教育学.

Young-Im Lee, Ph.D.

Asian Studies Advisor

Photo of Young-Im Lee, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 性别与东亚选举,韩国政治.

June Hee Kwon, Ph.D.

Asian Studies Advisor

Photo of June Hee Kwon, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 跨国移民和散居,性别劳动 & class formation, Peace & humanitarianism; North/South Korea, China & Japan, Postcolonial & 冷战后东亚的相互联系.

Curtis Smith, Ph.D.

Photo of Curtis Smith, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 中国思想史,中国中世纪文学,中国茶,古琴.

Amelia Ying Qin, Ph.D.

  • Specialty & Interests: 中国文化史和思想史, and of East Asia in general, as reflected in literature, historiography, art, 哲学和宗教实践.

Derek Lam, Ph.D.

Photo of Derek Lam, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 当代行动哲学与形而上学, 孟子自我认识的本质以及龙树哲学与当代个人同一性形而上学的关联.

Justin Wu, Ph.D.

Asian Studies Advisor

Photo of Justin Wu, Ph.D.
  • Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., or by appointment.
  • Specialty & Interests: Modern history of East Asia, with focus on Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, and Japan; nationalism and identity formation; social movement; global connections.

Nitika Sharma, Ph.D.

Photo of Nitika Sharma, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 南亚研究,亚裔美国人研究,难民研究,移民研究.

Rachel Lim, Ph.D.

Photo of Rachel Lim, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 亚裔美国人研究,移民和散居,亚洲 & 美洲,比较种族 & 种族,韩国/美国研究,公民身份 & Belonging, Global Religions.

Faculty Affiliates

Serge Lee, Ph.D.

Photo of Serge Lee, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: Statistics, Research, International Social Work, Mental Health, Southeast Asian Cultures, Immigrants and Refugees, Child Welfare.

Qiaoming Amy Liu, Ph.D.

Asian Studies Advisor

Amy Liu, Ph ..D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 调查,需求评估,项目评估 & Opinion Polls, Asian Studies & 亚裔美国人研究,种族关系,家庭 & Aging, Health & 心理健康,公共政策.

Ravin Pan, Ph.D.

Photo of Ravin Pan, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 发展数学,课程和数学教学.

Thien-Huong Ninh, Ph.D.

  • Specialty & Interests: 宗教散居,东亚宗教,强迫移民,种族,民族和性别.

Min Min Thaw, Ph.D.

Photo of Min Min Thaw, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 东南亚经济,发展经济学,小额信贷 & Credit, International Trade & 金融、国际银行、政治 & Economics of Myanmar/Burma.

Kikuko Omori, Ph.D.

Photo of Kikuko Omori, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: Intercultural communication, Japanese/Japanese Americans, social media, health communication, online education.

Eunyoung Ha, Ph.D.

Photo of Eunyoung Ha, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: Asian studies and Korean politics; political economy, globalization, partisan politics, inequality, and political polarization.

Ahrum Chang, Ph.D.

Photo of Ahrum Chang, Ph.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 公共服务提供与官僚主义,韩国政府组织,亚洲公共政策 & 行政、社会公平 & Justice.

Emeritus Faculty

Pattaratorn Chirapravati博士.D.

Pattaratorn Chirapravati博士照片.D.
  • Specialty & Interests: 东南亚美术史、东南亚美术史、大陆美术史、印度艺术与哲学、佛教艺术. 研究兴趣是宗教圣像的政治用途.

Jay Bouton Crain, Ph.D.

  • Specialty & Interests: 社会人类学(婆罗洲,特罗布里安群岛),医学人类学(新加坡,爪哇).

Lewis Robinson, Ph.D.


Richard Shek, Ph.D.

  • Location: Department of Humanities & 宗教研究,门多西诺大厅2022
  • Phone: (916) 278-5331
  • Specialty & Interests: 中国文化和宗教史, 采用基于文献的跨学科方法, philosophy, religion, and material culture.
Total Members: 30