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Application Process Admissions

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Admission Appeals

Appeal Process Overview

Admission appeals come in several potential forms.

  • Appeal to file a late application
  • Appeal of denial of admission for not meeting minimum requirements
  • 因未能遵守大学要求而提出的退学申诉

申请因上述任何原因被拒绝或撤回的学生有权根据第89030条提出上诉.7 of the California Education Code. 入学和外联办公室负责考虑因上述任何情况而提出入学上诉的本科生的入学上诉. This function is carried out by the Admissions Appeals Committee.

委员会希望对该决定提出上诉的学生提交上诉. 如果委员会很明显是由学生以外的人完成并提交申诉, the appeal will not be considered and returned to the submitter.


所有申诉必须按照规定的要求,在录取决定或行动通知后的15天内提交. 招生和外展办公室保留拒绝上诉的权利,仅基于上诉在提交时未完成或未在规定的上诉时限内提交.

Appeals do not include interviews, 但问题可以通过电话916-278-1000直接联系招生和外联办公室, Option 1 or by e-mail at

上诉决定的通知将通过MySacState学生中心或通过电子邮件发送到入学申请中提供的学生个人电子邮件地址. 招生办公室收到申诉后四周内会做出决定.

提出申诉的学生有责任满足本文件中提供的标准和标准. All appeal requests will be reviewed thoroughly. 所有的上诉请求都是最终的,没有额外的审查级别. Only one appeal from a student per term will be considered.

If you have a Sac State ID, submit the following form:

Admission Appeal Form (Adobe Fill & Sign)

如果您没有Sac State ID,请将以下上诉表格发送至 or

Admission Appeal Form


The appeal committee will base its decision on:

  • 大学是否有空间(能力)接受额外的申请.
  • The student’s local or non-local area status.
  • Whether the student’s reason for the appeal is truly compelling
  • 阻碍学生达到既定入学要求的情况是否超出了学生的控制.
  • 学生在大学成功的可能性,如申诉材料所示. Considerations include:
    • 在高中或转学机构参加大学预备课程.
    • Grade point average and/or standardized test scores.
    • Grade trends.
    • Course Pattern. 没有A-2或B-4要求的转学生很少有例外.
  • 提高所有学生的教育经验的特殊才能或能力.

Late or Missed Application Deadline

萨克拉门托州立大学希望所有学生都能在申请截止日期前完成申请. 在某些情况下,迟交申请的上诉可能会被批准. 批准迟交申请并不意味着该学生将被录取, only that the application will be considered.

If you have a Sac State ID, submit the following form:

Admission Appeal Form (Adobe Fill & Sign)

如果您没有Sac State ID,请将以下上诉表格发送至 or

Admission Appeal Form

In appealing to be allowed to submit a late application, the student must submit a completed appeal form which includes:

  • Reason for missing the deadline.
  • The reason why the late application request should be considered.
  • Major or program for which the student would like to apply.
  • List of all courses in progress or planned.
  • 学生在任何时候注册课程的所有机构的非正式或正式的大学成绩单.
  • Unofficial AP IB exam scores, if applicable.

First-year applicants must also include:

  • Unofficial or official high school transcript(s).

学生有责任确保上述所有文件都作为申诉材料的一部分提供. Appeal requests that are submitted without all requested information may be denied on the basis that the appeal is incomplete.

Denial of admission for not meeting minimum requirements

我们的入学要求是为了确保学生为在大学阶段取得成功做好准备,预计所有被录取的学生都将达到最低入学要求. 在极少数情况下,入学要求将被批准例外. 上诉并不能保证被录取,例外情况也很少.

Admission Appeal Form (Adobe Fill & Sign)

In appealing to have an admission denial decision reversed, 学生必须提交一个包,其中包括一个完整的申诉表格, 并附上一份声明,说明申请需要重新评估的原因, particularly, 学生将采取哪些步骤来确保在萨克拉门托州立大学取得成功,尽管没有达到入学要求.

All appeals must also include:

  • 学生在任何时候注册课程的所有机构的非正式或正式的大学成绩单.
  • List of all courses in progress or planned.
  • Unofficial AP IB exam scores, if applicable.

First-year students must also include:

  • 官方或非官方的高中成绩单至少到三年级结束.

学生有责任确保上述所有文件都作为申诉材料的一部分提供. Appeal requests that are submitted without all requested information may be denied on the basis that the appeal is incomplete. 所有上诉必须在录取决定或行动通知后15天内提交.

Admission withdrawal


萨克拉门托州立大学希望所有学生遵守与入学过程相关的截止日期. If deadlines are not met, the offer of admission may be withdrawn. In such instances, students may appeal for reinstatement.

Admission Appeal Form (Adobe Fill & Sign)

转学生必须提交正式成绩单,以验证做出录取决定所依据的自我报告信息. 未能提交正式成绩单将导致撤销录取决定.

因未遵守入学截止日期而对退学决定提出上诉, students must submit a packet that includes a completed appeal form, 并附上一份声明,说明申请需要重新评估的原因. 这份声明应该包括为什么错过截止日期的信息.

Appeals must also include:

  • 学生在任何时候注册课程的所有机构的优秀正式成绩单.
  • Any outstanding official AP or IB exam scores if applicable.
  • A list of any courses in progress or planned

First-year students must also include:

  • 官方或非官方的高中成绩单至少到三年级结束.

学生有责任确保上述所有文件都作为申诉材料的一部分提供. Appeal requests that are submitted without all requested information may be denied on the basis that the appeal is incomplete. 所有上诉必须在录取决定或行动通知后15天内提交.