
办公室 空间管理 行政司 & 商务



阿斯特拉时间表 is the University's comprehensive event and facilities scheduling software tool managed by 空间管理 to locate and schedule facilities for classes, 期末考试, 和事件. 阿斯特拉时间表 is available 24/7 to campus users on campus or off campus with a VPN connection. 需要单点登录认证.


阿斯特拉时间表 8升级


Here’s what you need to know about the 阿斯特拉时间表 8 upgrade which improves system stability and supports future technology needs.

The 阿斯特拉时间表 8 release focuses on an enhanced user interface and valuable new functionality, 包括单点登录认证. 校园用户需要登录到阿斯特拉时间表在 http://astra.基督教社会联盟.edu 使用Duo单点登录认证服务.

用户将体验到, 一致的导航与更新的菜单, 过滤板, 简化的可用性. There are platform stability improvements with a considerable focus on quality improvement.

While the upgrade introduced some minor navigation changes, the functionality is the same. In other words, the web pages where you do your work did not change, just how you get there.

突出显示阿斯特拉时间表 8变更

1. 增强用户体验

  • The application has been modernized with an updated user interface for a seamless user experience. The new design is focused on making your experience better and your business functions easier to accomplish.
  • Filter panels within 阿斯特拉时间表 8 have been upgraded to include searching with the enter key, 清除所有过滤器, 默认情况下,折叠过滤器面板, 等.
  • The menu navigation has been redesigned to remove the “landing pages” from version 7. 信息架构稍微重新安排了一下, 这意味着一些物品将有新的位置. Home选项卡现在可以方便地访问10个最新项目.

2. 新功能

  • 主页被定位为更具互动性, 允许用户直接从主页开始或完成任务. All of the non-essential items have been removed to focus on tasks that are crucial to the 阿斯特拉时间表 user experience.
  • The Scheduler now displays only available rooms by default, making room selection much easier. 可以勾选该选项以查看有冲突的房间.

3. 平台稳定

  • Ad Astra’s technical team has improved database queries to optimize system monitoring and performance. 阿斯特拉时间表 also now supports single sign-on (SSO) using Shibboleth, a highly requested feature!

阿斯特拉时间表 & CMS-SA接口

阿斯特拉时间表 has an interface with the Common Management Systems Student 政府 system (CMS-SA) that synchronizes facility assignments for classes between the two systems. CMS-SA中不维护阿斯特拉时间表中的事件信息.

The 阿斯特拉时间表 interface with CMS-SA is designed to facilitate the coordination of data between the two systems. 它有几个“模式”,并同时运行.

  • (CMS-SA to Astra) A batch import runs every weekday morning before 7:00 a.m. that re-imports active and tentative semester class section data from CMS-SA to 阿斯特拉时间表. This import allows academic department schedulers to work in 阿斯特拉时间表 with the most current CMS-SA data at start of each work day.
  • (CMS-SA to Astra) A transactional import is scheduled to run every twenty minutes every weekday to capture changes made in CMS-SA during standard hours of operation.
  • (Astra to CMS-SA) A real-time export runs whenever a facility assignment has been made or a facility is removed from a class section in 阿斯特拉时间表. The facility assignment or removal is sent to CMS-SA as soon as the change is saved in 阿斯特拉时间表.
  • (Astra to CMS-SA) A batch export runs on select evenings after 5:00 p.m. to capture any outstanding facility assignments made to class sections in 阿斯特拉时间表 and sends them to CMS-SA.


State owned instructional facilities and outdoor spaces for class and event scheduling are maintained in 阿斯特拉时间表. 为了方便, 列出教学设施的报告, 座位容量, 功能列表如下. 访问 IRT教室技术 for more information on classroom technologies that support diverse pedagogies.


阿斯特拉时间表用户指南,安全 & 培训


The 阿斯特拉时间表用户指南 is designed to introduce campus users to the look and feel of 阿斯特拉时间表 version 8.9.4. 它涵盖了常见的阿斯特拉时间表功能, 用户基本导航, and procedures to maintain facility assignments for the Class Schedule and is not intended to be a comprehensive reference manual. Some of the content in the user guide is only intended for campus users that have specific security access in the Common Management Systems Student 政府 system (CMS-SA) and 阿斯特拉时间表 to build the class schedule.


阿斯特拉时间表 user security is administered by the 办公室 空间管理. Before granting security access to campus users in academic departments that need to perform facilities assignments for class sections, 空间管理必须确认用户在CMS-SA中具有相关访问权限. Please contact 空间管理 with 阿斯特拉时间表 user security requests or concerns.


New 阿斯特拉时间表 department scheduler users are required to complete hands-on or virtual training provided by 空间管理. 根据要求,我们将提供有关Astra时间表的额外培训. Please contact 空间管理 with 阿斯特拉时间表 training requests.

阿斯特拉时间表课程分析 & 报告厅使用报告


空间管理 has highlighted 4 strategies that will help the University maximize facility utilization, 最小化调度冲突和瓶颈, 并促进学生成功的最佳课程安排. Key 阿斯特拉时间表 reports listed below support each of these strategies and are designed to help colleges and departments be proactive with changes to current and upcoming class schedules.

  • 策略1 -把课程安排在整个周内
  • 策略2 - Reduce unused seats by scheduling classes into appropriately sized rooms
  • 策略3 -减少使用非标准会议模式的课程
  • 策略4 -减少提供不必要的部分

有关使用以下报告的帮助,请下载 Guide to Use 阿斯特拉时间表 Reports to Support Capacity Management and Efficient Scheduling.
