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Student Grade Appeals

DEADLINE for Appealing Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 Grades is: 5 p.m. on Friday, September 20, 2024 - applications must be submitted to Academic Affairs, Sacramento Hall, Room 230, or emailed to

Steps to start the grade appeal process:

  • 学生应首先尝试在课程结束后的前两周或前两周内与教授解决成绩纠纷, if the course you are appealing was completed in Spring 2024, 您将尝试在2024年秋季学期的前两周或之前解决争议). Note: You must contact the professor during this time period, 即使你在注册这门课的时候和他们讨论过你对成绩的担忧.
  • If that does not resolve the matter, 学生应立即与系主任交谈(在上课第三周的周一或之前).
  • 如果系主任不能在第三周的周五之前解决争议, the student is eligible to file a formal grade appeal with Academic Affairs.
  • Canvas closes prior to the start of the following semester. Please print off all documents necessary for the appeal (grades, graded assignments, syllabus, email communications, etc.). 如果您需要访问画布,并且画布已经关闭,请立即联系年级申诉协调员.

Important Dates for Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 Grade Appeals:

  • Friday, September 6, 2024年-最后联系教师关于课程最终成绩的问题的日期.
  • Monday, September 9, 2024 -通知系主席成绩争议和希望进行成绩上诉的最后日期.
  • 2024年9月13日,星期五——系主席完成决议尝试的日期. If no resolution, 然后,主席应签署成绩申诉表格,学生应准备所有申诉文件.
  • Friday, September 20, 2024 - Deadline for student to submit the grade appeal documents (form, checklist, syllabus, statement, and supporting evidence) to Academic Affairs (Sacramento Hall, room 230 or email appeal to

Filing A Formal Appeal

  1. Read through the Grade Appeal Policy, which explains the criteria and procedures for filing an appeal.
  2. 确保你对成绩提出上诉的理由符合成绩上诉政策中列出的四个上诉理由之一. If your reason for appealing does not meet one of those grounds, then you are not eligible to appeal a grade.
  3. Fill out the Grade Appeal Form 在这里和成绩申诉政策的后面,并得到系主任的签名. - PLEASE NOTE: The Chair's signature can be a signature, e-signature, or another method that confirms they are signing the Grade Appeal form. Appeals cannot be accepted without the Department Chair's signature.
  4. Prepare your Grade Appeal Submission. 检查成绩申诉政策后面的核对表,确保你符合所有标准,并拥有所有所需的文件.
  5. Turn in the Grade Appeal Form (with signatures), the completed checklist (with your signature), your narrative statement, syllabus, 和支持文件的学术事务办公室(萨克拉门托大厅, Room 230) or by email to, before 5 pm on the Friday of the 4th week of classes.
  6. Students are strongly 我们鼓励学生预约与成绩申诉协调人. 艾米丽·威格伦,让他们看一遍诉状,这样他们就能更好地了解如何准备材料. Dr. Wickelgren can be contacted via email.

Your submission must include the following:

  • The Grade Appeal Form
  • The completed Grade Appeal Checklist
  • The syllabus for the course
  • 你的书面报告(叙述)解释你的立场(说明分数是如何被随意分配的), capriciously, in violations of the System wide Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation, Sexual Misconduct, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking, and/or in violation of one or more university policies.) Reference any supporting documents provided.

如果可能的话,应包括支持性文件,以支持叙述中的主张. Examples of supporting documentation are:

  • Any record of communications with the professor (e.g. copies of emails, etc.)
  • Statements from other students or faculty who were witnesses
  • Copies of assignments, papers, exams, etc. that are relevant to the appeal
  • Any other documentation that supports the claims made in the statement.

Important Information about the Grade Appeal Process

Please read through the Grade Appeal Policy so you fully understand the process. The information here is not meant to replace reading through the policy.

  • The entire grade appeal process can take the entire semester to complete.
  • Graduating Seniors: If this is the last class you need to graduate, 你需要决定你是否希望等待这个学期对你的上诉做出决定. If you lose the appeal, 你需要在下个学期重修这门课(毕业时要晚一年)。. 大多数学生选择在你正在进行上诉的那个学期重修这门课,以防上诉被驳回. If you win your appeal, you can withdraw from the enrolled class, however, the Registrar's Office does not offer a refund on the tuition for the class.

  • 你的申诉将被分配给一个由教师和学生组成的年级申诉小组.

  • That panel will NOT have faculty from the same department as the course being appealed.
  • 教授和系主任会收到一份你的申诉材料.
  • 成绩申诉小组将初步决定是否驳回你的申诉,还是继续上诉,并要求教授发表声明. That initial decision is based entirely on your written submission, 所以要确保你清楚自己的理由,并有文件来支持你的主张. You will NOT have an in-person “hearing” with the panel to further explain things. 你的全部解释和文件应包括在你的上诉中,没有任何遗漏. Present your entire case as your original submission.
  • If the panel feels your claim should move forward in the process, they will ask the faculty member for a statement. 你会得到这份声明,并被允许作出反驳声明.
  • 教授的陈述和你的反驳将由成绩上诉小组审查,他们将对成绩做出最终决定.
  • If your appeal is dismissed at any point, then the process is over.
  • 如果你的申诉被批准,那么教授将被要求提出一个新的成绩. 职系上诉委员会将检讨新建议职系,并须在新建议职系生效前获得批准.
  • If you feel that the Grade Appeal Policy process was not followed properly, then at the end of the appeal you can file a procedural appeal. This is an appeal based on a violation of the process. 不同意成绩上诉委员会的决定,不得上诉.
  • 如果你在成绩申诉表的第三个方框中打勾,表明你认为你的成绩是由歧视造成的, harassment, and/or retaliation (DHR) as defined under Title IX, 请注意,如果没有平等机会办公室(OEO)的调查,职系上诉委员会无法评估该申索。. 根据第九章,任何与DHR相关的索赔都在他们的管辖范围内(根据EO 1097),他们是校园内唯一可以评估索赔的办公室. 如果他们开启一个案件,职级上诉程序将暂停,直到他们的调查完成. You should still submit your Grade Appeal before the deadline, 即使你尚未向eoo提出申请,或他们尚未完成调查. If they determine that a DHR violation occurred, 我们将向成绩申诉经理提供一份报告,该报告将附在你的成绩申诉中. 没有OEO的报告,职级上诉委员会不能评估与DHR索赔相关的职级违规索赔. 任何没有附上该办公室报告的DHR索赔将被职系上诉委员会驳回. 如果你认为你的分数是由于报复或骚扰而不是基于第九条所定义的受保护状态, 你应该考虑将其作为武断和/或反复无常的评分要求. To file a claim with the Office of Equal Opportunity, please email and they will let you know how to submit a claim.

If you have any questions about the Grade Appeal Process, please contact the Grade Appeal Coordinator, Dr. Emily Wickelgren.

Grade Appeal Coordinator


Emily A. Wickelgren, Ph.D.
Sacramento Hall, Room 234
(916) 278-6331

Office Hours

  • 电话,缩放和面对面的约会是可用的,所以请打电话设置一个时间.
The Grade Appeal Coordinator can also be seen by appointment.